My Nigerian dream

MY NIGERIAN DREAM Nigeria is a home for a lot of amazing people, enriched with beautiful cultures, language, tribes. Despite our diversities, we have grown fond of each other, in unity and love; we have spent the past 60 years together. Like every home should be, safe, peaceful, comfortable. Nigeria hasn’t really been like a home for many, our safety isn’t assured nor do we have our peaceful days as it should be. We have accustomed adjusting to every uncomfortable situation thrown at us due to the inefficient management of the governmental power and resources. My Nigeria dream is a home filled with love, peace; a home where the people saddled with the responsibility of securing lives doesn’t kill us, a home where you can be comfortable, a home you can always return to willingly whenever you visit the world. A home which will be corruption free, an opportunity when every single citizen gets the chance to have a taste of the national cake. A home where education won’t be worthless, a home to fight for, a home free of terrorism and decreased crime rate,, a home where the voice of the people is vital, a home where the people fundamental right is respected, a home to be proud of. I dream of a Nigeria where the work of the civil servants will be appreciated more, I dream of a Nigeria where you can get things done without having to know someone in the higher offices, I dream of a Nigeria where the entire populace will be comfortable, I dream of a Nigeria where there will be accountability and transparency of government works, I dream of a Nigerian where free and fair elections will be conducted, I dream of a Nigeria where our creative minds doesn’t have to leave the country to explore their potentials, I dream of a Nigerias where our health sector would be adequately equipped , I dream of a Nigeria where public servants don’t live by bribes, a Nigerian where lecturers don’t request for sex from a student before they are given their appropriate results, a Nigeria where the academic and non academic staff don’t have to resume to strike before their demands are met, a Nigerian where schools are equipped with professional and appropriate learning materials, a Nigeria where the leaders wants to lead because of patriotism, a Nigeria where our democracy is legitimate, a Nigeria where the law is respected by everyone. The Nigeria dream is a list of infinitum. The citizens of the green land deserve a Nigeria where the system works in their favor, just like a home, peaceful, safe, and comfortable. Conclusively, I dream of a Nigeria where her citizens join hands and work together to achieve the dream of Nigeria.